Are You a High-Functioning Alcoholic: Signs to Watch Out For

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Alcoholism is a serious issue that affects many people worldwide. It is a chronic disease that is characterized by compulsive drinking and the inability to control one’s alcohol consumption.

However, not all alcoholics fit the stereotype of an individual who is unable to function in daily life. High-functioning alcoholics can often go unnoticed, as they appear to be successful and maintain their responsibilities. But, it is essential to identify the signs of high-functioning alcoholism to prevent the disease from causing significant harm and to get alcohol addiction therapy when needed:

What is a High-Functioning Alcoholic?

A high-functioning alcoholic is an individual who has a drinking problem but can maintain their daily responsibilities. They appear to be successful in their careers, personal relationships, and social lives, which can make it difficult to detect their addiction.

These individuals often have a high tolerance for alcohol, which means they need more alcohol to feel the effects of intoxication. High-functioning alcoholics can also exhibit patterns of binge drinking, where they consume large amounts of alcohol in a short period.

Identifying the Signs of High-Functioning Alcoholism

1. Concealing Alcohol Consumption

High-functioning alcoholics often conceal their alcohol consumption from others. They may hide alcohol in their homes, cars, or offices to have quick access to it. They may also drink alone to avoid scrutiny from others.

2. Drinking to Cope with Stress

High-functioning alcoholics may use alcohol as a coping mechanism to deal with stress. They may drink after a long day at work to calm their nerves or to escape from their problems.

3. High Tolerance for Alcohol

High-functioning alcoholics have a high tolerance for alcohol, which means they can consume larger amounts without showing signs of intoxication. They may also be able to function well after drinking, which can make it difficult to detect their addiction.

4. Binge Drinking

High-functioning alcoholics may engage in binge drinking, where they consume large amounts of alcohol in a short period. They may also have periods of abstinence, where they do not drink for days or weeks at a time.

5. Drinking in the Morning

High-functioning alcoholics may start drinking early in the morning to ease withdrawal symptoms or to cope with their hangover from the night before.

6. Neglecting Responsibilities

High-functioning alcoholics may neglect their responsibilities due to their addiction. They may miss important meetings, neglect their personal hygiene, or even neglect their children’s needs.

7. Denial

High-functioning alcoholics may deny that they have a drinking problem, even when confronted by loved ones. They may rationalize their behavior and believe that they have everything under control.

The Consequences of High-Functioning Alcoholism

High-functioning alcoholism can have severe consequences, even if the individual appears to be functioning well.

The long-term effects of alcoholism can include:

  • liver disease
  • heart disease
  • Cancer
  • mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety

High-functioning alcoholics may also experience relationship problems, financial difficulties, and legal issues.

Getting Help for High-Functioning Alcoholism

If you or someone you know is a high-functioning alcoholic, it is essential to seek help. Treatment options for alcoholism include therapy, medication, and support groups. It is also important to have a support system in place, whether it be friends, family, or a support group. Recovery from alcoholism is possible, and seeking help is the first step toward a healthier and happier life.


High-functioning alcoholism is a serious issue that can often go unnoticed. It is important to identify the signs of high-functioning alcoholism to prevent the disease from causing significant harm.

If you or someone you know is a high-functioning alcoholic, it is essential to seek alcohol addiction therapy and support. Recovery from alcoholism is possible, and seeking help is the first step toward a healthier and happier life.

At Next Step Medical Services, we strive to provide you with the support and resources needed to take control of your well-being. Our licensed therapists in Texas offer opiate addiction, alcohol addiction therapy, mental health, and urgent care treatment online through video, chat, or phone. We are dedicated to helping you move forward on your path to recovery and reclaiming your life. Schedule an appointment today!

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